Author Website:
This tool can help you to create your own maps for Arma 2 and makes placing objects a lot easier by giving you access to different placement and generating tools.
Major features:
- include a complete Fence Generator system for placing fences, walls and a lot of other kind of object.
- new scripting language for creating macros. Macros can be used to automatically generate farms, houses with gardens, compounds, castles and every other thing you will need.
- new forest generator tool, with support up to 256 mask colors, multiple different object placement on the same color with user customizable probability of placement (useful for bush, rocks, different tree types on the same area).
- a complete manual (available on about-help menu) with scripting samples, complete program logic and usage explanations and a full help for scripting language.
- able to import SQM/BIEDI files into Visitor3
- World tools now is able to connect to Sickboy's Six Config Browser
- - hosted on Dev Heaven to automatically retrieve object definitions while converting SQM/SQF-BIEDI files into Visitor 3 importable format.
This will greatly improve the program capability to produce a ready-to-import file that could be loaded and hardened into islands by island developers, using ArmA2 mission editor object placement.
Run the auto-installer.
- World Tools forest tutorial - A tutorial on how to build forests with world tools.
Arma 1 vegetation definitions (with pictures) for World Tools:
Bushlurker released the Arma 1 vegetation definitions (with pictures) for World Tools. They effectively make Shezan74's superb "World Tools" Forest Generator utility usable for Arma 1 terrains.
Just choose "import object template" and point it at the definitions file...
- Arma 1 Vegetation - World Tools Definitions
- BI forums